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When you are tired of one note over and over and long for the perfect bottom, discover rich full tones from the Bass Mint. For bass you feel and hear, give in to Submission. For acoustically ill rooms, apply the Bass Clamp.

Eagle subwoofers include an Intelligent Interface module with amplification and total electronic control for seamless integration of bass to all loudspeakers.
Find out more at Subwoofers inside story

Bass Mint

Eagle Bass Mint $1776 each
The minimun size for deep bass in inner space.


Eagle Submission $3595 each
Eagle linearity maximized cabinet for very low distortion coupling to listening rooms.
"Get a Grip" on your room with the Eagle Bass Clamp. DSP controls three or more Eagle subwoofers to dominate constructive and destructive bass frequency interference in the most vexing environments.

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